People’s Puskas Enter the Final Stage

The Veo community submitted 2,183 goals, we nominated 100 contenders, and you helped us find the TOP 8. Now it's time to determine the one winner.

Final 8 will enter the knockouts on our Instagram.

Knock-outs start on March 10.


Zackarya Oumamass

James Meadows

Ardi Canolli

Jake Hill

Nahia Jaime

Thibaut Loubier

Samuel Karanja

Jonathan Le Ner

Want to win next year’s Peoples Puskas?

If you want to win the People’s Puskas, the first step is to record your games. And with the 2025 season already up and running, now is the time to get started.
Right now, we’re offering a special bundle for clubs and teams looking to try Veo Cam 3 with no long-term commitment.

What is #PeoplesPuskas

Incredible goals and moments aren’t limited to the world’s biggest arenas. People’s Puskas 2024 once again champions the players on all levels who put their hearts into every game – and score goals worthy of the world’s spotlight.

Over 7 million goals were recorded with Veo in 2024. Nobody has seen them all, but they’ve all been seen by some. And in Veo, we’ve seen enough to know that the grassroots game has produced goals that deserve a place in any highlight reel.

Veo has invited the global football community to nominate their favorite goals scored by anyone, anywhere and compete for People’s Puskas 2024. Now it’s time to find the winner.